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Nyah, VIC 10012
ish sodhi

Care how I feel so much more than everyone else because I'm black Leah so if I feel OK all black people feel okay cause we all say I would never say that of course not some help best friends a black yes you're my best friend that's why you’re here okay to live by here did is god-given dumb girl to know if best Buy guys supposed to be fun let's just play with them spotlight open to me true a as a comic book is good I just dropped the other guys I’m berry see their cool percentage you know sometimes parents to certain things or the heck a certain way and they don’t realize it's wrong until it's either kids don't you understand this puppy my niggard Rosh Namaste opportunity to kill nightmares Co are anyway I think some were along the way here are my top give you the wrong idea about black people and your mom was right hunky he have a top you don't I you of I tried to kiss me she just looks real different it's only skin scheme structures you can see your hair's kind of different English it and you're probably different heights you know in your hairs brown and you and your friend route B shares at their bread my eyes are blue in your mom's eyes or whatever the hell color they are it feels weird looks on the can't let you get out this because it would be wrong freedom you think it'll say of cares what we’re going to be extremely jealous because you're Connor and Connor Menonowners some other worlds best kissers you okay I'll do it you know DJ yougonna kiss a lot of girls your life and they're all going to be different what he thinks she even just like Matthews most.

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