Tune 2 Peace - EFT, Reiki, Byron Katie, Matrix Reimprinting

Pelican Waters, QLD 4551

I am an energy Medicine Practitioner, offering Personal Transformation Sessions which guide clients through inner blocks in belief systems and emotions. Modalities Include EFT, Matrix Reimprinting and the Work of Byron Katie.

I open a safe, nurturing and powerful space to allow people to explore and release parts of themselves which are keeping them stuck, blocked, or limited in any way.  The modalities I use allow me to conduct effective sessions via phone and skype.

Reasons clients come to me include:

-feeling stuck or blocked in their lives

-Physical, emotional, mental pain / suffering

-Perceived blocks in their energy bodies

-Issues with Relationships, work, health, finances, families etc.

tune2peace is on facebook, and there is a regular feed of uplifting and informative posts.

 Skype and Phone Sessions available. Online bookings.

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