
ny, Nyah West, VIC 10012
mimi reriksen

When your skin is oily. Just because your complexion is naturally a little oilier doesn't mean moisturizers don't need to be a part of your beauty regimen. In fact, using a proper moisturizer may help reduce the amount of oil you experience. A gel moisturizer doesn't sit on the skin heavily like a cream does; it absorbs into the skin quickly so it stays hydrated and reduces the skin's need to produce oil. When you suffer from adult acne. If your skin produces an excess of oil, you may notice an increase in acne blemishes, as too much sebum is one of the causes of acne. Unfortunately, heavy skin lotions can encourage increased oil production, causing even worse breakouts. Before you swear off moisturizers altogether, try using a pH-balancing, water-based gel moisturizer..

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