Care Brother 6871

Nyah West, VIC 10012
imran shah

More month to that to the average lifetime value my client and so in your case if your patient sees you three times a year what can you do to get them to see you one more time if they buy three bottles uh Supplement from you what do you think Reese that by Superior Test X percent right in by increasing those three areas just by  percent you will make thirty percent more money they don't have any questions about that before we on raise your hand if you think it's not possible to do that good so I won't pick anybody over so what I want to talk about here is when my favorite words have all system to me system is an acronym save yourself time effort and money write that down if you don't know systemic an acronym save yourself time effort and money when you have systems in your business you have a predictable reliable business that has legs waitress with the house business that has legs a business that has legs I to find this way one you can be here but still being tame making money you can be traveling on a cruise and now we wherever still be making money number two that business can be sold right-center later ah going to get old are either going to retire or die no to opt for the people have into either shut down their business which is what ninety-eight percent of small businesses do because it is a self.

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