I dont know what kind of exercises

I don’t know what kind of exercises to do. Does anyone know what kind of exercises reduces the amount of fat in breasts?

Specific muscle group exercises are not (usually) effective at reducing fat in that area. Although everyone stores fat a Muscle Rev Xtreme little differently (more in some areas, less in others) your body decides where to store it. The only effective exercise is aerobic. You have to burn more calories than you take in. Your body will remove fat from where it wants when it wants - you can force the removal but not the location. You can firm up your Pecs with bench presses and/or push ups and that might help the appearance. The problem is that exercising your Pecs will cause them to increase in size - can't say what's best for you in this respect not knowing how you are built. There are some dietary supplements that can help (Car Max/Sardinia Cambodia, Ginkgo balboa, Cinnamon, Gamey Sylvester, vat E, vat C, beryllium, Gar gum, citrus pectin, Guarani, Sesame seed gambling) but there are a lot of dangerous ones so I'd be careful in this area. There are dietary oils that will help - Forage oil/GAL, Fish Oil/EPA &HA.


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