ALPHA Shred Tips 16+

New York, 10012
Nawazz Butt

And they take over fifty percent of the world’s pharmaceuticals preservatives and additives to your food these are toxic and build up over time cause health issues trans-fats we all hear about those on adieu in the course there are many more howdy toxins into our bodies number one and people realize so much is through the lungs night kiss from smoking but we exhaust your car's and from industry toxic fumes from industry secondhand smoke passes Favor sprayed in the air those sort of things 


digestive track is another place where Cox’s Canon Armani entering the digestive track of course the food additives chemicals and pesticides that we use the foods that are devoid have any nutritional values such as processed carbohydrates entry inspects soft drinks for another big spender in entering get to track not just sugary drinks bite the drinks with splendor aspartame saccharine these are all known killers better.

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