
New York New York, Nyabing, WA 10012

Dermavix the Dermavix nourishes the skin, gives it a healthy appearance, narrows the pores. Dermavix cleansing for oily skin Composition of the Dermavix : blue clay Dermavix tablespoons; Tea or mineral water; Dermavix teaspoon of lemon juice. The process : dilute the clay with mineral water or tea brew to the state of thick sour cream, add lemon juice. Dermavix , a thick layer, put on the face, except the area around the eyes, for Dermavix minutes. Wash off with warm water, apply moisturizing cream to the skin. Expected result : the Dermavix promotes constriction of the pores and prevents the appearance of new inflammations. Nourishing Dermavix for dry skin Dermavix composition : green clay .

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