Heel Clinic

3rd Floor, 26 Ridge Street, North Sydney, NSW 2060
1300 855 853

The Clinic has studied, researched and successfully treated in excess of 10,000 patients over 15 years.  This extensive database of patients has provided the Clinic with a unique treatment programme exclusive to the Heel Clinic.  This treatment is designed to cure and in addition prevent the return of heel pain.

1.00 out of 5 from 3 reviews
rating 1/5 Date: 08/04/2015
Don't ever go there. They just take your money for a pair of hard as steel orthotics which I believe make the problem worse. I travelled by plane to Sydney from Perth as I read they were so 'good' but they are no better than any other podiatrists. They just big note themselves. So I had to fork out $750 for the orthotics, return air fares and accommodation all for nothing as I couldnt use their orthotics, it made the pain in my foot from plantar fasciitis worse. I was crippled. I did find out the best shoes for me to wear having this horrendous condition were called FITFLOPS. You buy them from good shoe stores and they are so soft under feet and the relief is worth the price you pay for them. Their sneakers are wonderful also. Give this Ridge Street clinic a big miss.
rating 1/5 Date: 05/09/2013
I went to this company and payed the $700 for the very "special" "custom" made orthotics and have ended up with even worse damage to my ankle than I had from the plantar fasciitis. I now have to have an operation (an arthroscope) to fix the damage their orthotics (and they are orthotics no matter what they say to you) did to my ankle. Please do not go here. What you need to do is wear supporting shoes (sneakers, those with low heel and none that slip off your heal when you walk). No thongs, flats etc.
rating 1/5 Date: 01/04/2013
Don't trust them. They will rip you off, selling you their outdated uncomfortable orthotics which will make your condition worse. When you challenge them or complain about them, they will abuse you. And try getting a tax invoice out of them! They don't provide them. Very unpleasant company to deal with.

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