The Sugar Doctor

15 Hubbard St, Islington, NSW 2296
0423 953 366
Tara Whitewood

You know those couples who always seem to be on the brink of breaking up or divorce? I work with couples who are stuck in a cycle of loving & fighting, who are at a crossroads in their relationship and don’t know what to do.

I help them cut through the crap & provide resources and strategies for real sustainable change in their relationship which brings clarity and certainty on the current reality and provides a simple solution to their relationship challenges.
Do you wish you had a manual for your partners brain? Are you sick of pretending everything is peachy? Feel like you can’t live together but you can’t live without each other? Are you jaded by the dating scene? Wondering if you will ever meet the one? Sick of meeting beige or crazy?

That’s cool. We have all been there, some of us a few more times than others!
All that means is that you are choosing meaning in your relationship & you are not willing to settle for anything less. I offer three different programs to change your single-serving life to a life of shared desserts or reconnect & revive your relationship.

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