Annual Physicians Meeting 2018

JW Marriott Hotel, Abu Baker Al Siddique Road, near Hamarain Shopping Center, Deira PO Box 16590 Dub, Dubai, UAE 16590

The Conference on “Annual Physicians Meeting 2018” is going to be held on March 21-23, 2018 at Dubai, UAE. We are most awaiting to innovate new things in the presence of specialized physicians by fetching things through their valuable words. Our Conference is based on many upcoming topics under various new suggestions that gather people in a search of knowledge in more than ten special medical fields through Workshops, Poster presentations, Group discussions which lightens up the delegates by getting through the research developments in immense medical field.

People from around the world are excited about getting some answers concerning doctors; this is your most obvious opportunity to accomplish the greatest accumulation of individuals from different fields namely – General surgery, cardiovascular surgery, Ophthalmology, Pediatrics, Neurology, Nephrology, Obstetrics, Sports Medicine, Geriatrics, Urology, Radiology, Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial surgery.

Main aim of our gathering is to bring up a collective knowledge regarding various divisions in medical field at a unique point at least for once in a year. Moreover this global meet is considered to  be little special among the medical experts since it covers almost all the major topics and subtopics by fetching various specialized doctors with well-renowned speakers ,technicians and research scientists.

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