
bbxcgbuhbcbozdn lkk kh, USA, 10012
karen blevins

Church to keep you from serving God would hide behind him Chris don't worry about them were about yourself summer you today your child of God but you're not living that way today you need to come to this alter RevTest units they all got forgive me forgive me I’m not been a good example to my kids are not to get good example Mr. classmates and I want to ask you to forgive me cleanse me I want to rededicate my life to you you're hearing you pray that sinner sprayer with me just a moment ago I'll be down front and you'll be here Joe love the others will be here come take one of us by the hand it was a I asked Jesus into my life and I want the world to know that I'm say when I can make you saying babe we do want to share some information with you about now how you can grow in RevTest your Christian wall you here today you're looking for church home in got to speaking %um blessing you when you come to a man you and you feel.


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