Ians Carpet Repair Brisbane

288 Edward St,, Brisbane, QLD 4000

Ian's Cleaning Services is providing the best carpet repairs services for clients in Brisbane. Our professionals are well-qualified and they know very well how to handle carpet damage and they can make your carpet look new by repairing your carpet. And our cleaning tools are unique in that they repair your carpets carefully and effectively. We provide suitable repairs for all types of carpet, including Woven, Needle Felt, Knotted, Tufted, and flat-weave carpets. Also, We provide all kinds of Carpet Repair services in Brisbane. 

Our Carpet Repair Services are :

1. Carpet seams repair service

2. Carpet fraying service

3. New Carpet waves service

4. Carpet dyeing service

5. Installation of carpet

6. Carpet patching service

7. Effective Carpet fire and smoke spots repair service

8. Carpet holes repair service

We are 24/7 ready to offer our carpet repairs services. So book our services now by just calling 0488 853 098.

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