
There are several window cleaning services available in Scarborough, Ontario. Here are a few options you may consider:

  1. Daystar Window Cleaning Service: This company offers residential and commercial window cleaning services in Scarborough. They use eco-friendly products and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

  2. Shine Squad: This company offers exterior and interior window cleaning services in Scarborough. They also offer gutter cleaning, pressure washing, and other related services.

  3. Men in Kilts: This company offers residential and commercial window cleaning services in Scarborough. They have a unique approach, with their technicians wearing kilts and offering a "no peek guarantee."

  4. Toronto Clear View Window Cleaning: This company offers residential and commercial window cleaning services in Scarborough. They use eco-friendly cleaning products and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

It is recommended to research and compare these options to determine which one best fits your needs and budget.

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