Unit 13, 51, Moreland Road, Coburg, 3058
1300 800 777
03 8370 1000 is an Australian owned company and is an authorised partner of the world’s leading brands. Our brands include ZebraSocketDatalogic and Honeywell.

We are an Australian company that provides reliable barcoding and data capture solutions and an authorized reseller of barcode printers and barcode scanners. In our selection of products you can find industry leading brands like ZebraDatalogic, Honeywell and Socket that provide a range of products such as desktop label printers, entry level general barcode scanners, to on counter scanners, cordless and ultra-rugged warehouse scanners that can scan virtually any barcode in any condition. Our professional, friendly, experienced staff will be more than happy to assist you with your choice. Contact us via email or phone with any queries you have.

Our Services

  • We specialise in providing barcode scanning and data capture solutions
  • We provide barcode scanners, mobility terminals, thermal label printers and barcode labels
  • On-site or return-to-base equipment maintenance
  • Comprehensive after-sales service and support

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