Buteyko Health & Breathing

7 / 144 Rose Street, Fitzroy, VIC 3065
1800 001 700
(61) 3 94193911
Paul O'Connell

Buteyko Health & Breathing is a breathing method taught by practitioners endorsed by the Buteyko Institute of Breathing and Health in courses consisting of five sessions of ninety minutes within a ten day period. Clients are taught how to retrain their breathing to enable them to breathe correctly when sleeping, exercising, speaking, eating, and performing all daily activities.
The Buteyko Institute Method (BIM) is a system of breathing retraining which delivers immediate and sustained improvement for people with asthma, as well as a reduction in apnoeas and snoring. It is based on the work of Professor Buteyko from Russia, and is taught by BIM Practitioners accredited by the Buteyko Institute of Breathing and Health (BIBH).
The BIM is suitable for children from 3 years of age and adults of any age. It is effective for people with all types and degrees of severity of asthma and sleep disorders, as well as people with other respiratory disorders such as emphysema, COAD, COPD, sinusitis, hay fever, rhinitis, blocked nose, allergies, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, panic and anxiety conditions.
Based in Melbourne, Paul regularly conducts Buteyko courses around Australia, and has taught the method to over 8,000 people and trained over 50 Buteyko Practitioners. He is committed to improving community health and aims to promote professional research, development and training in Buteyko’s principles of natural healing and health maintenance, through breathing re-conditioning.

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