Lockyer Valley Colonics

16 Brown Court, Laidley Heights, QLD 4341
0429 375 197
Terry Merrick

Colon hydrotherapy assists and supports in the treatment of many health conditions and also in restoring and maintaining good health. Including constipation, abdominal pain and discomfort, irritable bowel syndrome, bloating, acne and skin conditions, headaches, low energy, weight problems, allergies, PMS, bad breath, infertility, stress, arthritis, psoriasis, candidiasis, diverticulitis, colitis, crohn's disease and even people with cancer will benefit. We have many satisfied clients from Toowoomba, Ipswich, Brisbane, Dalby, Warwick, Gatton and Laidley. Every ailment, sickness or disease will respond quicker and more effectively after the administration of a series of colonic irrigations.  The greatest richness is good health.

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