Breathe Green Charcoal Bag

Baan Baa, NSW

After falling sick last Friday; I've been able in hindsight to list the  Breathe Green Charcoal Bag   Gluten allergy as it happens over hours. Unlike nut allergy people who know straight away they have eaten peanuts and begin going into an anaphylactic attack. But when we are under allergic gluten attack, we are unaware initially of our allergy, as our digestive system is slower in responding.Thought this might be of help to other GI sufferers if I list how I experienced this last attack. My first symptom of feeling a bit off colour, along with a feeling of heat beginning to spread through my body was about three hours after ingesting a supposed GF free corn biscuit. And about one hour later was followed by a second symptom of an over whelming need to run to the loo.

 Third symptom within minutes, happened while making a rush to the loo. It was when I stood up I realised I was finding it increasingly hard to walk in a straight line.I actually lost my balance. Fourth symptom is shooting stomach pains, quickly followed by fifth symptom. This one for me is the worst, and is experienced as dizziness, once it moves in it stays until you're forced to lie down. But still the dizzy feeling continues, really upsetting. All you can do is fall into bed pull the covers over your head, and pray to get better.

5 out of 5 from 1 reviews

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