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madelyn johnson
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That we have had mood so what do people when they ‘representing in your having a diagnosis of sinusitis what are some of the symptoms and things that patients are feeling her chief complaints they’re coming with they probably had have had some long-term allergies but definitely an open day feel as if they're I'll congested and their coughing and its bothering the allies take me sometimes get too stuffy that I did not able to move I'm um handle their jobs really well and get I'm too cumbersome because all the medicines not Clark mom is that mostly adults or do you find this in children sinusitis as well I we find that in children too but mostly nachos ok angel it usually is just allergies and it usually leads the medicine should kick in and help but in I does it gets more now chronic and it needs more treatment okay what is the treatment for sinusitis okay and down you know the usual all always of pleading are the best is a  Raspberry Ketone Renew freaking fine is the first month big spaces in the phrase with small openings and did lining gets ready unhealthy and it needs to be a.m. help mend getting better hmm so um Celine licenses in the nose and steam inhalations and getting all that mucus to be unplugged and I'm getting all the epithelium get healthy he said he me so um basically because Justin is the way Togo okay let's talk about some of those overrun and symptoms and conditions that you ‘retreating hypertension high blood pressure yet fifty I hope yet so I have to talk about the patient who is presenting to you whether the whether the feeling what are they talking about when they come with those concerns hum high blood pressure is usually vides really high enough it causes lotto symptoms like headaches and not feeling well and sometimes feeling dizzy occasionally chest pains.


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